Submission Disclamer

Thank you for your submission to A.E.S.O.P. tells. The A.E.S.O.P tells thread weaves a tapestry of inspired persons through their tales. Everybody HERE comes from SOMEWHERE.

By submitting your 'tell' you have given us permission to publish your confidential story on a public blog site. It is our intent to keep your personal information private.

Your submission is also your indication that this piece is valid, accurate, and all parties mentioned in this 'tell' are aware and in agreement with its publishing.

Any time you no longer want your story to be a part of this special project, please send an email to inform us @

Thank you very much. Look for your fabulous tell, a Thursday's Theme. We are very excited and grateful for your participation. Let us know what you think.


T hin K

P.S. Ask your family and friends to take a read.